Um Imparcial View of sexy

Viagra is not approved for use in women and studies thus far have had mixed results. Here's what the science says.

At this point in life, you're well aware of where babies come from. These talks on the complexities of healthy sexuality will teach you a few other tricks.

The research also suggests that the rhythm of sex can help women and men choose appropriate sexual partners.

To that end, below you’ll find five sex positions, courtesy of sex therapist Marissa Nelson, that are geared toward serious clitoral stimulation.

APA calls for population health approach to working with immigrants Swiping through on-line videos increases boredom, study finds Advocacy

Eric realizes Otis has fallen for Maeve. But the young sex therapist finds himself torn when hot guy Jackson seeks help with his secret crush.

To look sexy, start by keeping up with basic hygiene like bathing regularly and wearing clean clothes for a naturally sexy look. Confidence is a big part of looking sexy to others, so try getting a new haircut or outfit to give your confidence a boost.

Hold back a little to stay mysterious. A little mystery is pretty sexy, right? But that doesn't mean you should play out your life like a bad modern fantasy novel.

This study suggests that sex can be good cardiovascular exercise. Though sex isn’t enough exercise on its own, it can click here be considered light exercise.

Not as easy as it looks. But the payoff can be super-deep penetration and thrusting — very satisfying for both of you.

Some sex positions (and some people) are just better suited for serious penetration. If that sounds like you, try these hot moves when you're in the mood for something a little more intense.

Be yourself. Stop trying to be someone else. Often, we think we have to act like someone else to be sexy (girls imitating Kim Kardashian or guys trying to be Tom Brady).

That anatomical difference is one reason why the term “orgasm gap” was coined — because men’s bodies may make it a bit easier for them to come. But because of outdated societal norms that depict sex as a vehicle for men to get off, they’ve also traditionally had the luxury of expecting to climax, even if it was at the expense of a woman’s pleasure.

People who continue to be sexually active after menopause are less likely to have significant vaginal atrophy, or the thinning of vaginal walls. Vaginal atrophy can cause pain during sex and urinary symptoms.

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